Saturday, April 29, 2023

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 25

Greetings, gentle readers!

Today is a special day... because we are finishing Moonlit Obsession. Only chapter 25 and 26 left to go. So let's get right into one of the most underwhelming book finales I have ever read!

Pictured once again: me trying to keep up with the silliness in this chapter.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 24

Welcome to more nonsense, dear readers! Not much to say now, except that this chapter is the third-to-last one in the book, and it contains quite possibly my favorite moment in the entire story. Yes, even better than "whirl and dip and spin and splinter" or "AMERICA, FUCK YEAH". That good. So let's get right into it!

Today's reading face needs no explanation. I think I could have done this whole recap with Deadfall screencaps... but I love myself more than to rewatch that movie. 



Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 23

Welcome back, gentle readers!

My apologies for not posting a recap yesterday; I do still absolutely intend to finish this book by the end of the month, but I was feeling a bit under the weather. And since I wouldn't show up with anything but me at my recapping best for y'all to enjoy (I mean, not sure if my best is any good, but hey, I do try), I decided not to attempt to force-start the sporking brain if it went offline. I am back with more bad though, so let's begin!

Warning: today's chapter includes a very brief moment where the heroine gets hurt by yet another male character; I glossed over it because it's nothing new and I didn't feel the need to dwell, but it is there. Take care.

Pictured: me reacting to all the masterful plotting in this chapter. Thank you for your service again, Deadfall.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 22

Greetings, dear readers!

I bring another chapter on the heels of the last one, since I am trying my best to recap the rest of this book before next month, and there's a beastly long discussion brewing in me that gets more elaborate with every single moment of fail. Until we get there, enjoy the latest offering!

Warning: this chapter involves the hero kissing the heroine against her will, but as per this book's track record, she ends up being into it. However, she is unhappy about what happened afterwards. Sigh.

Thank you for today's reading face, Mr. Spock.

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 21

Hello there, gentle readers! After last chapter I was almost afraid that the bad-stravaganza would let us down, that we would never see feats the like of chapter 14, chapter 16 or chapter 18 again... but worry not, because my squeaky clown shoe prophecy ended up being fulfilled. (What a sentence.)

Let's jump right into the fail!

I think this image should... adequately warn y'all of the kind of chapter we're getting.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 20

Hello again, gentle readers!

To everyone who hasn't jumped ship even after the horrors of chapter 19: rest assured that I won't hit y'all with something like that again. Today's chapter gave me slightly less funny bad to work with, but also much less bad bad to scream in horror at; I consider that a fair trade. I did my best to recap what I was given, though. Enjoy.

Pictured: Monsieur De Vauban.

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 19

Greetings, gentle readers!

This is... one of the bad ones. Like, one of the really bad ones. You know how in chapter 16, the book apparently heard me laughing at a silly line and threw something at me that freaked me the fuck out? This entire chapter is that after the blast I had with chapter 18. So let's get it over with.

Warning: today's chapter involves the heroine being terrified of the """hero""", some more physical abuse, and a bit of inner monologue from Buffalo Burke that's so horrifying for a romance novel, I had to take a photo of it to prove I wasn't making it up.

Pictured: me getting hit by the bad bad after the funny bad lulled me into a false sense of hilarity.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 18

Welcome back to the bad, gentle readers! This latest chapter is one of the good ones in fact, it's right there next to chapter 16 with the amount of uncontrollable laughter it provoked from me as I read. I don't want anyone to feel deprived of that, so let's get started right away!

Pictured: me trying to follow the things I read in this chapter.

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 17

Hello there, gentle readers! We're back and at 'em as usual I've been having a lot of fun with this recap, except when I wasn't, and there really isn't that much book left, so I'm trying to wrap things up before the end of the month. Today's chapter was a surprisingly short one, in the book at least; it still gave me plenty to dissect, though, so my vaguely-promised double feature recaps will have to wait a little longer, if I can get one done at all. I'm hoping to make up for that by throwing something truly heinous at y'all, though.

Let's see how far into this chapter I can make it before I have to scream into a pillow.

Warning: today's chapter includes yet-freaking-another main character getting physically rough with the heroine. Not to the degree that Burke did, but the fact that I have to include this warning at all makes me want to bite through the book.

Wasn't easy to decide which chapter to use this one for, but I had to.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 16

Greetings and salutations, gentle readers! I know I'm not obligated to post several recaps each day, but I kept feeling like something was drawing me to the next chapter, nagging at me to check it out, promising wonders I had never seen before, or at least not since the first time I read this thing. So I decided to take a look. And oh, I was so right.

Join me on this journey once more as the stupidity reaches the... first of several peaks in this book.

Warning: today's chapter includes a scheme involving badly acted spousal abuse. No one actually gets hurt and it's pretty much impossible to take seriously, but it is there. Proceed with caution.

Yet again... today's reading face needs no explanation.

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 15

Nafter noon, gentle readers! After yesterday's epically hilaribad recap, I'm bringing a bit of a breather with a shorter chapter before we start plumbing the depths again. I was considering doing a double feature this time, but the next chapter is on the longer side and I'm trying to keep my momentum, so that'll have to wait.

Nonetheless, enjoy!

Pictured: me trying to keep up with the super mega spying.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 14

Greetings, gentle readers! We made it to the funny bad turning point, I'm very proud of everyone who lasted this long with me. Alas, I'm forced to change plans slightly: since chapter 14 is a fairly long one, I can't do a double feature on account of the post becoming long enough to try everyone's patience if I did. But fear not, for this chapter can stand on its own as one of the funniest damn things I've ever read.

Let's dip in, shall we?

This one needs no explanation either. Or at least it won't once you've seen the chapter.

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 13

Hello and welcome back to the nonsense, gentle readers! Today's recap is another funny one, hopefully (by which I mean that I had fun with this chapter and I hope that translates into my writing); it's on the shorter side, but worry not, for the next one is a doozy.

Until we get to that... let's begin.

Today's reading faces have been provided by Mad Max. Thank you, Max.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 12

Greetings, gentle readers! I am back with more travesties, and I'm pleased to report that not only was today's chapter way too long and skin-crawlingly creepy, which means there was even more bad than usual for me to get mad at, but it's actually one of the genuinely funny ones in this book. Hence me wrapping up the day with a third recap posted.

Without further ado... enjoy!

Warning: there's some dubious consent in this chapter involving some making out, but since this is a bodice-ripper, naturally the heroine ends up being into it and that counts as retroactive consent or something. Sigh.

This picture is truly worth a thousand words.

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 11

Hello again, everyone! Long time no see. Like, almost ten hours. I figured that as long as I'm blogging again, I might as well hurry to get this pile of ostrich poo of a book out of my system, so! Here we are, I guess.


Today's reading face, courtesy of Alien Resurrection. I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of my funny reaction image screencap collection, trust me.

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 10

Greetings again, gentle readers! I've decided I have another recap entry in me, since clowning on this book is sort of becoming a hobby for me. Some people are into BASE jumping, some people keep tarantulas as pets, I dunk on braincell-killing literature. Don't judge me.

Shall we?

Today's reading face, courtesy of the underrated masterpiece (read: absolute stinker) Alien Domicile. Yes, that's a real movie and yes, I've seen it.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Book Recap: Moonlit Obsession, Chapter 9

Welcome back to my nightmare, gentle readers! It has taken me longer than I would have expected to tackle another episode of the Sea Urchin and Buffalo Burke saga, partly because of a magnificent bout of blogger's block, and partly because other things have been eating up my free time. Including finishing my first ever large-scale fiction writing project, yay for me! But worry not, I have not abandoned the agony, and I fully intend to go through with the rest of this book recap in the next few months. So without further ado, put on the diving goggles and let's submerge ourselves in the septic tank once more!

Warning: there is another supremely creepy moment in this chapter where the hero (and I use that term more loosely than a pair of harem pants) uses physical force to establish control over the heroine. Take care, gentle readers.

Pictured: today's reading face, courtesy of Deadfall once more.